We believe there are two sacraments that Jesus commanded his church to celebrate until he comes again. A sacrament is an outward sign of an invisible grace. Baptism is the sacrament of initiating grace. Communion is the ongoing sustaining grace.


Jesus started the tradition of Communion at the Last Supper and instructed his disciples to continue the tradition until he comes back for us (Luke 22∶14-22). The apostle Paul, an early leader in the Church, gave very clear instructions as to how we are to celebrate Communion (1 Corinthians 11∶23-26).

Communion is the sacrament of sustaining Christian life. It reminds us of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. It is a meal that helps us remember that we are connected to Jesus and that we need him. It also reminds us that we are connected to the body of Christ, here and around the world and throughout the ages.

At Community Covenant we choose to celebrate communion every week. If you have kids,  you can choose when they are ready. If you need help, you can sign-up for a class or check out the online handout for the class.

Sign-up for the Communion Class


In the Covenant we work to maintain the unity of the church in the bond of peace. One way we live this out is respecting the Biblical positions of both infant and believer baptism. Parents can choose between baptizing or dedicating their child.

In infant baptism, parents recognize God to be the primary actor while acknowledging the mystery of salvation. They commit to raising the child in a community of faith,  hoping that someday their child will make a personal profession of faith. 

In dedication, the parents also commit to raising their child in a community of faith.  They highlight the child’s own choice to make a profession of faith, hoping that someday they will choose to get baptized.

Those who have never been baptized can choose to get baptized after making a profession of faith.  We offer a class to help you learn more about both and to help you make the best decision for your family.  

Whether it is an infant or an adult being baptized, the congregation is invited to invest in such a way to help raise the child or continue to help a believer grow in faith.

For more information on baptism watch this video from our believer baptism service.

For help discerning between infant baptism and dedication, attend our Baby Blessings class.

Sign-up for the Baby Blessing Class

If you’re interested in baptism, you can sign-up for a class here:

Sign-up for the Believer Baptism Class