Color-Courageous Disciples Take Off Bias & Put on Christ | Community Covenant Church - Mankato, MN Color-Courageous Disciples Take Off Bias & Put on Christ | Community Covenant Church - Mankato, MN

Color-Courageous Disciples Take Off Bias & Put on Christ

January 29, 2023

Topic: Community, Racism

Book: Colossians

Audio Download

Scripture: Colossians 3:5-14

Color-Courageous Disciples Take Off Bias & Put on Christ

This week we talk about how we cannot build beloved community when we are still influenced by racial bias, whether consciously or unconsciously.  The “noetic effect of sin” emphasizes how even our thought processes have been impacted by the fall. Jesus calls color-courageous disciples to be transformed by the renewing of our minds; we can become aware of our biases, take them off, and then put on the mind of Christ.