Empowering the Next Generation | Community Covenant Church - Mankato, MN Empowering the Next Generation | Community Covenant Church - Mankato, MN

Empowering the Next Generation

April 28, 2024

Series: Planting Seeds

Book: Joel

Scripture: Joel 2:28-32

Empowering the Next Generation

Ever wondered what the secret is to passing down our faith to our kids and grandkids? Well, get ready, because we’re diving into it! We’re taking three weeks, to inspire and equip individuals and families within Crossview to embrace their role in passing down faith for future generations, laying a strong foundation for continued spiritual growth and transformation. We’ll chat about how we can make sure our spiritual legacy doesn’t just stop with us. It’s all about setting up our families for a lifetime of faith and growth. So, grab your coffee and join us as we figure out this whole ‘planting seed’ thing together! 

Today we talk about how planting seeds of faith for future generations means God speaks to every person in every generation and we can listen to one another.

We also talk about different ways we hear from God. Here are some descriptions of common ways people hear from God:

Naturalist – I feel closest to God when I’m surrounded by what God has made – the mountains, forests, lakes, sea, gardens, a sunset. Experiencing God’s beauty and creativity in nature is more moving to me than learning new concepts about God, participating in a formal religious service or in social causes. 

Intellectual – I feel closest to God when I am learning about God. I crave uninterrupted study time – reading God’s word or good Christian books – and welcoming the opportunity to share what I’ve learned by teaching or participating in discussion or debates. 

Relational – I feel closest to God when I feel like I have “touched souls” with another person or a group of people, when we have shared deeply and honestly with one another. I feel like I learn more about God when I am studying, fellowshipping and worshipping with others.
Service – I feel closest to God when I am with a friend going through a difficult time, helping others in my community, volunteering at a local shelter or going on a mission trip. It means more to me to nurse someone to health, bring them a meal or repair their house than it does to teach a class or go on a prayer retreat. 

Worshipper – I feel closest to God when I am involved in worship. I am energized, moved and nourished in deep ways through music and corporate acts of worship. Being with other believers, raising our voices together, praising our awesome God… it’s a taste of heaven! 

Activist – I feel closest to God when I am standing up for justice and truth. I feel God’s pleasure when I am trying to help right wrongs, meet the needs of the poor and marginalized and make the world more like God intended it to be. 

Solitude & Silence – I feel closest to God in solitude and silence. If I can escape for 30 minutes or more a day to a quiet place to pray, journal, read God’s Word, to be alone and uninterrupted with God, I’m happy and come away refreshed and strengthened. 

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