FOR: your city | Community Covenant Church - Mankato, MN FOR: your city | Community Covenant Church - Mankato, MN

FOR: your city

April 3, 2022

Topic: Whole Mission

Book: Jeremiah

Audio Download

Scripture: Jeremiah 29:4-14

FOR: your city

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life FOR us. (1 John 3:16) And we are invited to lay down our lives FOR our brothers and sisters.” Sadly, it feels like the church is often known for what it is against instead of what it’s FOR. This Lent we are going to learn and practice what it means that God is FOR us, our home, our work/school place, our city, and our world. We want to be known for what we are FOR! We are FOR the Mankato region. Join us for our Lent Sermon Series, as we talk about how you can be for our community.

This week we talk about how God is for your city.