How to Share Your Faith | Community Covenant Church - Mankato, MN How to Share Your Faith | Community Covenant Church - Mankato, MN

How to Share Your Faith

June 9, 2024

Series: How to...

Book: Acts

Audio Download

Scripture: Acts 8:26-38

How to Share Your Faith

Social media is bursting with answers for our “how to…” questions. You can watch a TikTok to apply make-up. You can pull up YouTube for a plumbing issue. You can even Google “how to fall in love.” And with the addition of generative AI, you can even get technology to write a paper for you. The reality is, we can access just about anything with our phones. We hope to have a conversation about “how to” questions in community. We will take 5 weeks to ask “how to…” questions that impact how we follow Jesus. Join us as we ask how to worship, read the Bible, serve, pray and share our faith.

Today we talk about how to share your faith.