We make room for God’s purposes by making room for each other | Community Covenant Church - Mankato, MN We make room for God’s purposes by making room for each other | Community Covenant Church - Mankato, MN

We make room for God’s purposes by making room for each other

December 17, 2023

Series: Making Room

Topic: Advent

Book: Luke

Audio Download

Scripture: Luke 1:39-56

We make room for God’s purposes by making room for each other

Advent is a season between what is and what will be.  Preparing for Christmas can become busy and chaotic.  We can grow restless as we wait.  What if it didn’t have to be this way?  What if we paused for a moment to see what God is doing?  Making room is an invitation to create room to hear from God. We believe that God is always at work.  God wants us to have space for Jesus and for others.  Will you make room this Advent? 

Today we talk about how we make room for God’s purposes by making room for each other.